Analytical Techniques

07 AOÛT 2024

This article is only available in English.


• Liquid Chromatography 
Identification, assay and impurity profiling of chemical entities. High or ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet/visible, refractive index or mass spectrometry detection. 
• Gas chromatography 
Gas chromatography with flame ionization detection for residual solvent analysis, and for identification, assay and impurity profiling of volatile chemical entities. 
• Thin layer Chromatography 
Identification of chemical entities and their impurities, in simple and complex matrices. 


• Ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry 
Identification and assay of chemical entities. 
• Infrared spectrophotometry 
Identification of chemical entities by FTIR with transmission or absorption recording. 

Basic chemical testing

Assay by amperometric, potentiometric or complexometric titration. 
Water Content 
Coulometry and Karl Fischer titration. 
• Loss on drying 
• Identification reactions of ions and functional groups 
• Potentiometric determination of pH 
• Clarity and degree of opalescence of liquids 
• Degree of coloration of liquids 
• Osmolarity 
• Relative density 
• Refractive index 
• Optical rotation 

Pharmacotechnical testing

• Disintegration 
For tablets, capsules, suppositories and pessaries. 
• Unity of dosage units 
• Dissolution test 
Dissolution rate for conventional-, prolonged- or delayed-release solid dosage forms with a basket or paddle apparatus. 
• Friability 
• Resistance to crushing 

Biological testing

• Sterility 
Membrane filtration or direct inoculation. 
• Microbiological examination of non-sterile products  
Microbial enumeration is applied to quantify aerobic bacteria and fungi. The presence of specific micro-organisms is tested by growth on an appropriate medium and under specific conditions. Automated microbial identification based on biochemical testing. 
• Bacterial endotoxins 
Detection and quantification by the gel-clot or chromogenic method. 
• Assay of heparins 
Determination of the anticoagulant activity of heparins. 

Herbal testing

• Micro- and macroscopy 
Identification and foreign matter. 
• Liquid chromatography 
Identification and assay of active substances and markers. High or ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet/ visible, fluorescence, refractive index or mass spectrometry detection. 
• Gas chromatography 
Chromatographic profile of essential oils. 
• Thin-layer chromatography 
Identification of active substances and markers. 
• Ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry 
Colorimetry of active substances and markers. 
• Determination of essential oils 
• Microbiological examination 
Microbiological enumeration and testing for specified micro-organisms in herbal medicinal products for oral use and extracts. 

The list of our accredited techniques is available on request or can be consulted here.

Charlotte Matthys

Lab Admin Manager Envoyez un mail +32(0)2 285 42 52


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